Author: Frederique
Why do so many prime ministers come from the same background?
Why are they not in touch with the needs of the public they are meant to serve?
Why do we (the public) have to deal with white rich boys who have no connection with the working class?
So many more questions remain about a political environment which exhausts, limits, robs and belittles the public. A public that will NEVER have the same opportunities as them. A public that was not born with a silver spoon in its mouth but rather have to get by with disgusting living conditions and harsh work environments until their death.
What is the most worrisome is the fact that those political white boys are utterly arrogant, mediocre and emotionally deficient. “Being linked to business and family ties” (, n.d. at 10.06 min) is not a sign of success. They just capitalise on what their family and ancestors have taken from the poor.
Let’s take the case of Mr. Cameron (which by the way, I cannot stand – this is only my personal view / bias), the Guardian says that “David Cameron was revealed to have slave-owners in his family background in 2013 when researchers from University College London examined compensation payments made to Britain’s most powerful families following the UK abolition of slavery in 1833.” (the Guardian, 2015)
Well, if that was not enough we currently have an immature, pitiful, egotistical PM who showed signs of a debilitating mental incapacity that is called ignorance. Business Insiders reveals that Johnson is a racist, misogyny advocate, tripled by a total lack of respect for others (Bienkov, 2019). These are very strange combinations to possess as human beings.
Where did his parents go wrong? Was it too much colonialism propaganda for breakfast or the result of an unkind motherly figure who told him that he was meant to be a failure. The connection […] cannot be dismissed as just coincidence. Childhood trauma may play a role in both Mr Johnson and Mr Cameron but that does not change the fact that they both need to leave the political sphere without any chance to return. No lobbying, no influential connections of any sort, just out !!!
What a shame!
Reference (n.d.). Posh and Posher: Why Public School Boys Run Britain | Social Class Documentary. [online] Available at:
the Guardian. (2015). How do we know David Cameron has slave owners in family background? [online] Available at:
Bienkov, A. (2019). Boris Johnson’s long record of sexist, homophobic and racist comments – Business Insider. [online] Business Insider. Available at: https://www.businessinsider.
Davies, N. (2018). From Abused Child to Serial Killer: Investigating Nature vs Nurture in Methods of Murder – Psychiatry Advisor. [online] Psychiatry Advisor. Available at: https://www.psychiatryadvisor.
Picture: (Anon, n.d.)
What I learnt from the debate :
What are the solutions to insure that ethnic groups are being included in the job market
black women working – Bing images (Anon, n.d.)
Reference (n.d.). LIVE: E-petition debate relating to ethnicity pay gap reporting – 20 September 2021. [online] Available at:
Black artists have been particularly engaging and creative when it came to keeping the stake as high as possible in terms of porn incorporation in their lyrics and subsequent videos.
I grew up listening to some of them without realising what type of messages were sent my way. Also, these Black male that we (the black community) call artists have a tendency to prefer light skin/ fair/white girls over the rest.
What fascinates me is the obvious lack of empathy and respect that these artists show to black women, this includes their own mothers. How do they reconcile their obsession with vagina and the fact that they come from one?!
The Prime Minister was wearing purple today as a sign of support for the disabled community. But how does he reconcile the fact that the most vulnerable are seeing funding from the NHS and other charity slowly eaten away by his policies.
If you consider the fact that disabled ” people are almost twice as likely to be unemployed” (Scope, 2019) and that the Universal Credit pushes people further into poverty, it seems a little hypocritical.
Today’s PM question can be accessed on various platform including the below :
Prime Minister’s Questions (PMQs) – 1 December 2021 – YouTube
Reference (n.d.). Prime Minister’s Questions (PMQs) – 1 December 2021. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Dec. 2021].
Political power is very important and I encourage anyone who lives in the UK to participate to the current political discussions and matters that are meaningful to you.
Hence with the below petitions, I am hoping to ignite your interest in political discussions and advocate for what matters to you.
Amend the Health and Care Bill to protect the NHS. – Petitions (
Make the £20 per week uplift to Universal Credit permanent. – Petitions (
Let airlines allow pets in the airplane’s cabin to and from the UK – Petitions (
Fund newborn screening for spinal muscular atrophy immediately – Petitions (
Seek to rejoin the EU Single Market and Customs Union – Petitions (
Include older women in the UK International Development Strategy – Petitions (
Ban non-stun slaughter. Animal welfare must always take priority – Petitions (
Make it a specific criminal offence to supply drugs to children under 16 – Petitions (
Thanks for reading,
Like many of us, I love Will Smith as an actor, I think that he is an awesome black man and I treasure his public speaking skills. Nonetheless, I do not understand what is the point of him sharing SO much about his relationship with his wife, Jada Pinkett- Smith.
There has been so much given on the Red Table Talk (Red Table Talk, n.d.) about their past individually, their relationships with their parents and so on, it seems that the Smith family is determined to be in the press for anything and everything.
Perhaps, they should advocate for a charity in order to help raise the covid-19 vaccine rate, or help less privileged children to gain better food, sexual and mental health education!
Thus, Will Smith, if you read this post, I am happy to discuss a way to contribute to the improvement of some of the social issues that we are facing in the black community. Feel free to reach out.
I am off this topic !
Thanks for reading,